5 Types of Poker Players

Poker is not only a game of chance and money but it is also a game of skill. In order to win in poker, you must know how to read your opponents. You must know if they have a winning hand better than your hand or lesser than yours.

When playing poker, you are up against players that have different kinds of styles and strategies, These players have techniques that can possibly make them win a round or even the entire cash game or tournament. Here are 5 types of Poker players that you must know, observe and learn how to beat.

The Newbie

By how he was called himself, he is the newbie in the table. He had just started playing Poker and had joined the table of more experienced players. He is normally careful with his bets and decisions. He usually has one strategy that other players can easily pick up. However, never underestimate him because he is learning by observing you and will, later on, pick up your strategy and even beat you with it.

The Rock

The Rock is a Poker player who is not risky. He will never play with weak cards. He always folds cards in rounds until he gets cards in the A, K, Q, and J. If he is betting and raising the bet, it is safe to say that he has a very strong card. It is safe to fold especially if you do not have a card that is strong enough.

 The ABC Poker

The ABC Poker Player is more of rule-based player. He does not take risks and he is only a little more experienced than the Newbie. This player’s strategy had been played out for so long that players have found ways to beat this. However, he still has a good chance of winning and will definitely take long before he runs out of chips.

The Maniac

The Maniac is the craziest player in the table. He plays any cards and rarely folds. Many players believe that this type of player is easy to defeat. However, he is very hard to predict because you can never tell if he has a winning hand or a bluff hand. He will have you keep betting and betting until you have your chips all-in. This strategy can give the other players anxiety and be doubtful with the cards they have. However, the worst enemy of this player is luck.

The Shark

The Shark is one of the best players of poker if not the best. He had master the art of reading his opponents and knows when he will play or fold his cards. He is a careful risk taker. He can confuse you and can make you make bad decisions during the game. He has misleading strategies that can fool you. So simply, just be careful with this type of player.

These types of players are not only present in a real-life poker game but also in a game of poker online. With only these five types of poker players, it is easy to say that poker is really a game of skill. Winning is not only by luck but with strategies that must fool your opponents.

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